The Exercise Association of New Zealand – The Fitness Industry Association

About the Exercise Association of New Zealand:

The Exercise Association of New Zealand (ExerciseNZ) is a non profit representative organisation, operating under an incorporated society structure. Their principal objective is to get all New Zealanders physically active at exercise facilities in New Zealand. ExerciseNZ’s members are organisations that exist within the health/fitness/exercise industry.  ExerciseNZ’s members are wide and diverse, and include commercial operators and local government council facilities. ExerciseNZ has over 250 members, which represents approximately 85% of the industry.


Phone: 0800 66 88 11


Te Mahi Ako – The Industry Training Organisation

About Skills Active:

Te Mahi Ako is New Zealand’s Industry Training Organisation (ITO) for the recreation, sport and fitness industries. They are a government-funded organisation and their role is to develop and facilitate world-class, nationally recognised qualifications that meet the needs of your business.


Phone: 0508 475 455


Exercise Professionals Network Aotearoa (EPNA)

About the EPNA:

The network is a group individual PTs committed to the enhancement of the Personal Training industry in NZ.

Regional meetings, facebook and this website provide a vehicle for PTs to discuss common issues and concerns of relevance to them and the Personal Training industry. The meetings are run by the Council regional representatives

Website: Can be found here
