Offline pre-screening

The following is a list of forms available for use through REPs for pre-screening.

The REPs Pre-Screening Form is available in two formats.

These additional sections provide you with sections to outline specific programme content with your clients, and information to track the progress of clients, including any ongoing fitness/exercise assessing you undertake wth clients. These are not part of the core pre-screening process itself, but have been added as valuable tools to keep clients. Providing ongoing assessments of fitness/exercise levels are an important client retention tool, and add value to the client experience.

3. PARQ form

The REPs PARQ form is NOT INTENDED as an alternative to the full REPs Pre-Screening form, as it does not provide the detail needed to develop personalised exercise assessment and prescription. The PAR-Q is designed for quick, easy, and independent completion by the facility user. It is specifically and exclusively intended for the following situations:

– Unsupervised exercise facilities for users to sign prior to entry s

– Casual visitors to an exercise facility who will otherwise receive no further individual attention from a Registered Exercise Professional. For example, a facility receptionist could request that a non-member visitor complete and sign the PARQ form.

4. Yoga Readiness Questionnaire  (Click here to download)

This pre-screening form has been developed for use by REPs registered yoga teachers and screens for the specific important health and safety considerations to undertake yoga.

5. Health Professional Referral Letter (editable word document)

This letter is designed to hand to a client who has been referred on to an allied health professional after initial screening by a REPs registered exercise professional. The client presents the letter to the allied health professional to obtain their professional guidance before commencing exercise. The client then returns the completed letter to their registered exercise professional.