Scope of Practice
Individuals registered with REPs operate under a scope of practice, meaning they will only undertake tasks and roles that they are registered to undertake. This is similar to how a nurse and a doctor operate within a hospital: they each have separate roles, and understand what these are and where their scope starts and stops. The scopes of exercise professionals are briefly summarised below:
a) Group Exercise:
Pre-Choreographed: Demonstrate a group exercise class.
Choreographed: Design and demonstrate a group exercise class.
These levels do NOT design individual exercise programmes, or give members of the public personalised exercise advice.
b) Exercise Consultant:
Exercise Consultant Level I: Demonstrate pre-written exercise a personalised exercise programs to clients.
This level does NOT prescribe any exercise programs.
Exercise Consultant Level II: Design and demonstrate exercise programs to clients.
This level does not provide personal training sessions.
c) Personal Trainer (PT)
PT Employee: Provide the services of an Exercise Consultant Level II PLUS provide personal training services within an exercise facility setting.
PT Contractor: Provide the services of an Exercise Consultant Level II PLUS provide personal training services at any setting/venue, operating as an independent business.
The Personal Trainer (Contractor) level also includes professional liability insurance for the trainer, for the benefit of the trainer, any facility they are at, and most importantly their clients.