What we do

REPs operates the registration body for exercise professionals, exercise facilities and education providers in New Zealand

For members of the public and other health professionals, registration with REPs is the recognised standard to ensure safe and effective exercise advice.  REPs operates a search function on this website, so you can find exercise facilities and/or exercise professionals.

REPS is operated by Exercise New Zealand, and is a member of, and recognised by, the International Confederation of Registers for Exercise Professionals (ICREPs).  The vast majority of those working in the exercise industry are reputable, honest and professional. Unfortunately, like any industry, not all persons/facilities are up to the required standards or professionalism you may expect. Therefore, REPs registration gives independent verification that a registered individual/facility meets the industry standards on an ongoing basis.

Other Key Points:

– Most (but not all) of the exercise industry (both facilities and exercise professionals) are registered with REPs, and almost all of the major fitness clubs and chains are registered with REPs.

– Checking the registration status of an exercise facility such as a gym, fitness centre or PT studio is easy; by selecting using our search function.

– For more details on REPs see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, which includes details on how the standards REPs uses were set.

– REPs is a non-profit body, operates independently, and is governed by a board of directors (details of board members can be found here).

More than a qualification

Registration is like an annual warrant of fitness.

Ongoing Education is important! Registration with REPs is far more than just a verification of an initial qualification, which is a one off event (like sitting a test for a drivers licence). Registration is an annual process (more like a Warrant of Fitness for a car), meaning a Registered Exercise Professionals knowledge is up to date, and also bound by a Code of Conduct.

A person registering with REPs must meet three criteria, and continue to meet them each year when they re-register:

  1. Initial Qualifications ensuring they are competent to undertake their role
  2. Ongoing education to ensure they keep up to date (including first aid and/or CPR)
  3. Follow the REPs Code of Conduct to protect all involved

A person who does not meet the REPs standards, or is deemed unsuitable to continue to work in the industry, will not be accepted by REPs for (re)registration.
